Today is Limerick Day!
Limerick Day is observed on the birthday of the great limerick writer Edward Lear, born on May 12, 1812, who encouraged everyone to write limericks! /Edward_Lear
The Space Alien decided to observe Limerick Day by writing some limericks, including one in honor of Your Editor!
Here is some of the Space Alien's original work:
1. To My Editor:I'm lucky to have a great Editor,
Who checks every comma and let-ti-ter!
Despite my bad spelling,
She never starts yelling,
She just tries to make it all bet-ti-ter!
Loyal Readers desiring more information about this important day and the poetic form it honors are directed to the following websites:
And please note: The SAG Earth Day Edition posted April 22 was not mailed to subscribers, but is posted at:
We look forward to the Gazette with such glee
And all the fine news we shall see
It’s a welcome respite
When your day goes to &%*$
Now where are my crumpets and tea
The readers of every fine issue,
Whether humorous or requiring a tissue,
Send warm greetings this day
And take a moment to say
We love you so much and we miss you
And for the Space Alien themself
The Space Alien’s a very fine friend
One’s sprits they lift and they mend
At tachyonic speeds
Attending to needs
From sunup until the days end
Your adoring readers.