In a campaign to stop the spread of COVID-19, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo recently sponsored a "Wear a Mask" contest to produce a Public Service Announcement (PSA). Hundreds of people submitted entries, and a reported half-million voted!
On May 26, 2020, Governor Cuomo announced a tie for winner, and both will be used in PSA's.
You may view the top entries here:
While immune to the terrible COVID-19 virus, the Space Alien nevertheless wears a mask to set a good example for human friends and decided to write a poem for Governor Cuomo's contest.
Unfortunately the deadline for entries had already passed, but the Space Alien wrote a poem anyway and put on a brand new mask to celebrate.
Here's the poem the Space Alien wrote and recited as a rap wearing the brand-new mask!
You don't have to ask,
I'll still Wear a Mask!
At home or in space,
I'll cover my face!
Our friends will admire us,
And not catch this virus!
It's fashionable too!
And shows I love you!
The Space Alien is sure this would have won a prize in Governor Cuomo's contest and believes Loyal Readers would agree!
A note from Your Editor:
Loyal Reader, if the COVID-19 situation is still with us as you read this, please follow the Space Alien's lead and protect those around you by wearing a mask!
This post is repeated at Your Editor's COVID-19 blog:
And to read more about the importance of wearing a mask -- especially to protect others -- see https://joanscovid19blog.blogspot.com/2020/05/to-mask-or-not-to-mask-and-if-so-how.html