Friday, July 19, 2019

The Space Alien Honors the Moon Landing

This weekend the Space Alien honors the brave American Astronauts who were the first men on the Moon fifty years ago. 

Loyal Readers, especially younger ones, can read more about this in many places, including:

The Space Alien traveled independently at a respectful distance from the Apollo 11 spacecraft carrying U. S. Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin to the Moon.  
While not qualifying as an astronaut, the Space Alien was proud to have been included in this historic event, as shown in this photograph, exclusive to the Space Alien Gazette.

Note: A Loyal Reader reminds us that Lieutenant Armstrong was famously taciturn after his journey, and suggests that it is therefore not surprising that he never mentioned the extra subject who snuck* into one of his previously unprocessed photos, and further notes that nobody ever asked.   

And this same Loyal Reader also found it not surprising that Buzz Aldrin, always focused on the task at hand, noticed nothing but the flag as he saluted!

This is why Your Editor recommends that Loyal Readers rely on the Space Alien Gazette as their most reliable source of unreliable facts!  

*Loyal Readers questioning the use of "snuck" as the past tense of the verb "to sneak" can explore this important grammar point here:
While Your Editor remains uncomfortable with "snuck" she will leave it stet. 

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Space Alien Considers ICE Activity

Your Editor found the Space Alien whimpering in bed.  

"What's wrong?" asked Your Editor.

"I just saw on TV that Immigration and Customs Enforcement -- ICE -- will be rounding up anyone without the right paperwork and taking them away, and I don't have any papers at all!"

The Space Alien's Greatest Fear

"You know I wouldn't let this happen to you," said Your Editor, trying hard to be reassuring, despite serious concerns.  

"Why, you pose no threat to our country," she continued, "and besides, you are imaginary, so they probably wouldn't even know where to look for you!  And wouldn't it be irrational to spend valuable resources searching for something that posed no threat?"

The Space Alien exhaled in relief.  

"You're right!  Our government would never do anything irrational!"  

And with that, the Space Alien fell into a peaceful sleep. 

Your Editor, however,  remains concerned.  

Read more here:

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

The Space Alien Celebrates our Nation's Birthday

The Space Alien loves to participate in reenactments of great historical events, especially on July 4, Independence Day.  

Besides enjoying a picnic, the Space Alien will study the Declaration of Independence and consider its meaning for today, and how best to enhance life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.  

Here is the Space Alien's reading list: 

1. The complete text of the Declaration of Independence from the National Archives:

2. More detailed information about the history and text of the Declaration of Independence:

3. Additional (and most interesting) history of this remarkable document: 

This issue of the Space Alien Gazette is lovingly dedicated to the memory of my dear Uncle Al who reminded us each year to read the Declaration of Independence on July 4th.