"I just returned from a special intergalactic mission," said the Space Alien, and I did not have much time to prepare. But my friend Carol D'Anca sent me her recipe for a delicious butternut squash soup! I know everyone will love it! Butternut squash is one of my favorites!"
"I love butternut squash too," said your editor, dipping a clean spoon in for a taste, "and this soup is SO delicious! It must have taken you HOURS!"
"No," answered the Space Alien, "it was really quick and easy! And all of Carol D'Anca's recipes are healthful too. You can find lots of her recipes and other valuable information here: https://www.foodnotmeds.com."
"Well it's delicious and everyone will love it!" said Your Editor carrying the tureen to the already groaning table.
And everyone did!!
All of us here in the busy editorial offices of the Space Alien Gazette wish our loyal readers a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!

Loyal Readers will also enjoy Carol D'Anca's book "Real Food for Healthy People." It's full of recipes that are easy, delicious and, best of all, healthful! Scroll all the way down for a link to it or find it directly at www.Amazon.com or www.barnesandnoble.com.Newer readers may enjoy these earlier Thanksgiving Posts:
2016: http://spacealiengazette.blogspot.com/2016/11/the-space-alien-observes-thanksgiving.html
2017: http://spacealiengazette.blogspot.com/2017/11/the-space-aliens-thanksgiving-feast.html