Wednesday, May 12, 2021


Today is Limerick Day! 

Limerick Day is observed on the birthday of the great limerick writer Edward Lear, born on May 12, 1812, who encouraged everyone to write limericks! /Edward_Lear

The Space Alien decided to observe Limerick Day by writing some limericks, including one in honor of Your Editor!   

Here is some of the Space Alien's original work:

1. To My Editor:

I'm lucky to have a great Editor,
Who checks every comma and let-ti-ter!
Despite my bad spelling,
She never starts yelling,
She just tries to make it all bet-ti-ter! 

2. To our Loyal Readers:

We feel an immense sense of gratitude, 
If the S.A.G. brightens your attitude, 
We work year after year,
Without favor or fear,
And we print neither triteness nor platitude!

Inspired by the Space Alien's efforts, this is what Your Editor wrote for the Space Alien: 

Your home is in Space, that I know,
But you've lived here since ages ago,
Please remain at this station, 
You're our inspiration, 
Although your job pays little dough! 
We encourage each of our Loyal Readers to join the Space Alien in writing limericks!   
And now Your Editor and the Space Alien will sit down together to enjoy the Space Alien's very special cake!  

Loyal Readers desiring more information about this important day and the poetic form it honors are directed to the following websites:  




And please note:  The SAG Earth Day Edition posted April 22 was not mailed to subscribers, but is posted at:

     The Space Alien is thrilled that a Talented Team of Loyal Readers took up this challenge and immediately responded with the following excellent Limericks!

We look forward to the Gazette with such glee

And all the fine news we shall see 

It’s a welcome respite

When your day goes to &%*$

Now where are my crumpets and tea

The readers of every fine issue,

Whether humorous or requiring a tissue,

Send warm greetings this day

And take a moment to say

We love you so much and we miss you

And for the Space Alien themself

The Space Alien’s a very fine friend

One’s sprits they lift and they mend

At tachyonic speeds

Attending to needs

From sunup until the days end

Your adoring readers.