Enough was enough, thought Your Editor, and she had just started packing for a lovely winter getaway to the Cayman Islands when the Space Alien whooshed in carrying a well-traveled valise.
"Where are your going?" asked Your Editor, who was frantically searching for her plane ticket and passport.
"I thought I'd go with you," answered the Space Alien. "Publishing the Space Alien Gazette is hard work and I could use a little sea and sunshine so I'll join you! I just checked out the latest Cayman tourist publication and this looks like it would be perfect for me! Nothing more relaxing than a hammock on the beach!"
"I've thought about that," answered the Space Alien. "Since I'm imaginary there's no way I can get a passport, so I'll travel as your Emotional Support Animal! Not only dogs, but even birds, pigs, hamsters and iguanas have been allowed on planes to give emotional support to travelers, and to tell the truth, you look like you could use this!"
"No!" cried Your Editor picking up a copy of the Space Alien Gazette's main competitor, the Chicago Tribune. "Just look! Airlines are cracking down on this!"
And she proceeded to show the Space Alien the following articles, which you, Loyal Reader, may find here:
"YOU are NOT a trained support animal," concluded Your Editor, "so you cannot be flying around free on airplanes!"
"Well I'll just buy a regular ticket then," pouted the Space Alien. "Of course since I'm imaginary I'll have to use your credit card!"
And with that, the Space Alien scurried out the door, leaving Your Editor envisioning a vacation likely to be considerably more complicated than usual!
Meanwhile the Space Alien enjoyed fantasies of what a wonderful trip this would be!
Here is what Your Editor hopes to find on Grand Cayman Island:
And here is an exclusive peek at what the Space Alien is anticipating:

Before departing, the Space Alien would like to wish Loyal Readers a happy and loving St. Valentine's Day! The Space Alien made this special one-of-a-kind Valentine greeting, with a cookie baked right inside, just for you!